February 1, 2012

Homemade Beauty Recipes With Lemons


Beauty Aids With Lemon

Lemons are well known for their cleansing and clarifying properties and can also help restore PH balance when your body is overly acid.

Use lemon juice mixed with sugar and then gently applied to the skin was dark area until the sugar melts. Repeat this about twice a week and you will see the bruise will fade completely. Apply lemon juice on your lips at night and within 15 days of the dark will fade.

Take an egg and use the whites of egg, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice and almond puree retired, was rubbed onto the skin freckles. It helps prevent the development of freckles, freckles avoid spreading on the skin. Each week you should do several times, faster performance.

A banana mashed, mixed with 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Then apply on face and neck skin, the skin will always be smooth.

By doing those tips regularly, you will get your skin more beautiful than now. Yet, one thing that you have to warn is use lemon sufficiently, because everything that goes excessive-used will give you a bad effect.

Article Source: http://www.womens-health.com/boards/beauty-tips/35098-beauty-tips-lemon.html

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